多發性硬化癥(Multiple Sclerosis,MS)是一種發生于中樞神經系統的炎癥性脫髓鞘疾病。實驗性自身免疫性腦脊髓炎模型(Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis,EAE)是研究該疾病的基本模型。EAE模型實驗動物通過神經組織(其中的某些成分)或病毒誘導產生的。EAE的誘導有主動誘導法和被動誘導法兩種。不同的免疫方法,可影響抗原遞呈,激發不同的免疫反應,這不但影響EAE的發生率,還可影響其發展與轉歸。通常采用主動誘導法制備EAE模型,將抗原與佐劑的混合乳劑直接注射至動物體內,經過一定時間的潛伏期,誘導EAE的產生。抗原注射部位的不同,可影響EAE的發生率、潛伏期、死亡率及復發率。常用的注射部位有腳墊、頸部及背部(皮下、皮內、肌肉)、腹腔和尾靜脈等多種,其中以皮下多點注射及腳墊注射的發病率高,而頸部注射則有較高的復發率。 因多次注射易引發免疫耐受,現在多采用單次注射抗原法。EAE的被動轉移實驗是研究其發病機制的直接證據,也是研究EAE的治療及預防措施的良好模型。
小鼠品系:雌性C57BL/6 小鼠
0天:等體積混合MOG35-55(200ug)和*佐劑(CFA,0.5mg)配成乳劑 ,皮下注射100ul/只。
3天:腹腔注射200ng 無菌PBS溶解的百日咳毒素,100ul/只。
此方案源于文獻(PMID: 20811645),具體的免疫劑量我們建議客戶根據您的實驗需求制定和優化實驗方案。以上方案僅供參考。
1.Shibamura-Fujiogi, etal.Cathepsin L regulates pathogenic CD4 T cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.April 1, 2021,International Immunopharmacology.
2.Shen, PX,etal.Urolithin A ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by targeting aryl hydrocarbon receptor.January 30, 2021,Ebiomedicine
3.Takeshita,etal.IL-6 blockade suppresses the blood-brain barrier disorder, leading to prevention of onset of NMOSD.January 28, 2021,Biorxiv.
4.Wei, L,etal.Arctigenin Exerts Neuroprotective Effect By Ameliorating Cortical Activities in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Vivo.January 25, 2021,
Research Square.
5.Kim, TW,etal.Bilirubin nanomedicine ameliorates the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by modulating dendritic cells.January 12, 2021,Journal Of The Controlled Release.
6.Yang, R,etal.Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Measures Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Effects of Fingolimod on Murine Optic Neuritis.January 9, 2021,Research Square.
7.Mimouna, S,etal.Transcription cofactor GRIP1 differentially affects myeloid cell-driven neuroinflammation and response to IFN-β therapy.January 4, 2021,The Journal Of Experimental Medicine.
8.Li, PY.PEGylation enables subcutaneously administered nanoparticles to induce antigen-specific immune tolerance.January 12, 2021,Journal Of Controlled Release.
9.Aqel, SI,etal.A STAT3 inhibitor ameliorates CNS autoimmunity by restoring Teff:Treg Balance.January 7, 2021,JCI Insight.
10.Chaudhary, P,etal.Thyroid hormone and thyromimetics inhibit myelin and axonal degeneration and oligodendrocyte loss in EAE.December 27, 2020,Journal Of Neuroimmunology
品牌 | 貨號 | 英文名稱 | 規格 |
Hooke Labs | DS-0111 | Rat/Mouse Mog35-55 | 2mg/ml,1ml |
4ADI | MOG3555-P | MOG35-55 | 1mg/5mg/10mg |
List Labs | 180 | Pertussis Toxin, Lyophilized in buffer | 50ug |
List Labs | 181 | Pertussis Toxin Salt-Free | 50ug |
List Labs | 179A | Pertussis Toxin (in glycerol) | 50ug |
Sigma | P7208 | Pertussis Toxin, Lyophilized in buffer | 50ug |